![]() DIANE P. DUPONTProfessor of Economics |
Office Location on Campus:Plaza Building Room 441Email:diane.dupont@brocku.caPhone:905-688-5550, ext. 3129Full CV:Current CV |
Education:Ph.D. (Economics), The University of British Columbia, 1988Fields: Environmental and Natural Resources and Public Finance | |
Areas of Interest:non-market valuation, environmental economics, water quality, risk perceptions |
Diane Dupont holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of British Columbia. Her thesis examined the limited entry program used to manage the salmon fishery on the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada. She is a Professor in the Economics Department at Brock University and holds a Chancellor's Chair for Research Excellence. Her research embraces both natural resource economics (such as issues relating to fisheries management) and environmental economics (such as aspects relating to the valuation of water quality). Her research has been funded by a number of agencies including SSHRC, the Canadian Water Network, and the Donner Foundation. She works with researchers across Canada, in the United States, England, and Australia. She has been on the Board of Directors of the North American Association of Fisheries Economists, is now an Associate Editor for the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and also the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Worldfish Centre, Penang, Malaysia. She has been an invited speaker to a number of groups, most recently to the National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine, in Washington, DC. |
Selected ResearchBateman, I.J., Day, B.H., Dupont, D. P. and Georgiou, S. (forthcoming) "Procedural invariance testing of the one-and-one-half-bound dichotomous choice elicitation method", The Review of Economics and Statistics. Renzetti, S. and Dupont, D.P. (forthcoming) "Measuring the Technical Efficiency of Municipal Water Suppliers: the Role of Environmental Factors" Land Economics. Dupont, D. P. and S. Renzetti (2008) "Good to the Last Drop? An Assessment of Canadian Water Value Estimates" Canadian Water Resources Journal. 33(4):363-374. Adamowicz, V., Dupont, D., Krupnick, A., and Zhang, J. (2007) "Valuation of Cancer and Microbial Disease Risk Reductions in Municipal Drinking Water: An Analysis of Risk Context Using Multiple Valuation Methods" Resources for the Future Discussion Paper 07-39. July 2007. 34 pp. Dupont, D. P. (2005) "Tapping into Consumers" Perceptions of Drinking Water Quality in Canada: Information to Assist Utilities to Better Manage Their Operations", Canadian Water Resources Journal. 30(1):11-20. Dupont, D. P. (2004)"Do children matter? An examination of gender differences in environmental valuation", Ecological Economics. 49(3): 273-286. |