Try the following questions to see how you do:



1. The first thing you should do when researching your topic is:

Start writing your paper immediately to make sure you find enough materials early on
Formulate your research problem and start writing your essay
Get more familiar with your topic by consulting various reference materials
Try and find some good journal articles on Sport Discus

2. Library general reference sources are good for:

Providing you with style examples for writing your essay
Giving you tips on how to use journal indexes
Helping you get good concise background material for your essay
Showing you how to use the Brock Library Catalogue

3. The Encyclopedia of World Sport is an example of:

A good general purpose encyclopedia
An excellent journal source for physical education articles
A source you should consult for physical education geography topics
A physical education reference source

4. A good comprehensive research strategy when using reference materials includes:

Selecting appropriate topic keywords using synonyms if necessary
Taking notes from the article sources you consult
Being aware of being "too specific" in your search strategy
All of the above

5. You use the Brock Library Catalogue to locate:

Journal articles directly using title search
Internet sites using search engines
Books, journal titles, government documents, newspaper titles and video titles
Course notes on WebCT

6. Journals or periodicals are used extensively by researchers because:

They are easier to store on a professor's bookshelf
They are usually filled with good references
Journal articles are shorter and take less time to read than books
They provide current research results at the time of publication

7. Electronic journals are:

Of higher quality than paper journals because they are available online
More current than paper journals
More highly regarded by researchers
Virtually the same as paper journals except they are reproduced on the interent

8. The writing style used by physical education students is called:

Whatever most of your courses use
MLA Style
APA Style
Whatever, since it's not that important as long as you get your essay handed in on time

9. When you use sources from the internet, you cite them using what style guide?

Whatever style is used in the source document you get from the internet
MLA Style
Usually the title, author, date and journal title are more than enough
American Psychological Association (APA) Style

10. A good place to go on the Library Home Page for help with writing your essay is:

Brock Home Page
Essay Writing Help from the Reference Page
Subject Resources Pages
Databases Page