Examples of peer-reviewed journals
The following journals are representative of some of the peer-reviewed journals in the Brock library collection. Check the Brock Library Catalogue under "title" to find out their call numbers and floor locations.

Qualitative health research
Research in nursing & health
Journal of contemporary health

Web sources for journals
Increasingly some journals are becoming available for use on the internet. Some publishers have created databases of these online journals, available for a subscription fee to libraries. Check the Brock Library Catalogue under the heading Databases to access some of these. A small number of these databases also include entire articles online (rather than simply references to the articles in journal titles). This is referred to as full-text. For a list of these full-text databases at Brock go to Full-text list.

Internet searching
Some journal articles may be available directly on the internet but this is an exception rather than the rule. Internet searching, using standard search engines may be of some general use to you for background material on your topic, but web searching is NOT generally reliable for scholarly research. Journal articles are not usually available for free using the internet. Some excellent guides to using the internet for research include: the teaching library internet workshops guide at the University of California, Berkeley, and the webwizard guide at Bowling Green State University.

This page is http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~dsuarez/physeduc/chsgen_refine2_textpage

Updated: June 11, 2001