Overall strategy

A good overall strategy to use when using reference materials include:

How to find materials not at Brock Library
During your research you will come across references to book titles, journal article titles and other materials that are not listed in the Brock Library Catalogue. This may happen when you have a reference from an encyclopedia article, a reference from another book title you already have, or even a reference from a journal index (discussed in the next section, Refinining topic). Be aware that you can obtain these materials, in most cases, by using the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery service at Brock University, if you allow sufficient time for the library to get the materials for you. Refer to How to find materials not at Brock on the library home page.



This page is http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~dsuarez/physeduc/physgen_explore2_textpage

Updated: June 11, 2001