Fundamentals of Planetary Science


How to go from an undifferentiated blob to a terrestrial, differentiated Planet

Internal differentiation of planets occurs because elements have distinctive physical properties (density is most important in this case) and chemical affinities.

Some examples: groups of elements with affinity for

1) Iron are called siderophile (nickel, cobalt)

2) Sulphur are called chalcophile (copper, silver, zinc)

3) Oxygen are called lithophile (sodium, potassium, calcium, silicon)

Many elements fall into more than one category.

Planets differentiate as high density (siderophile) element sink to and accumulate in the core.

However, this differentiation requires a critical temperature within the planet.

Heat greatly affects mechanical and chemical properties.

Thermal energy is needed to go from homogeneous to differentiated planet.

Planetary Heat sources

Solar Energy is the energy a planet receives from the Sun. We like it (especially during this time of the year) but it is of no use to interior differentiation of the planet (potentially some effect during an earlier period of strong solar winds). It decreases with increasing distance to the sun.

Continuous flexing of a satellite within its orbit (remember Io) can lead to Tidal Heating. This can clearly be an important heat source but is not one that applies to many planets or satellites.

Accretionary Heat results from the conversion of the kinetic energy of impacts to heat. Very important early.

During Core formation gravitational potential energy of dense material is converted to heat as the dense material sinks to the core.

Radiogenic heat is produced by the breakdown of radioactive elements. We distinguish between isotopes that have short half-lives (Al, I) and those with long half-lives (K, U). Nuclear decay heats the interior with short-lived isotopes providing an early boost of energy and long-lived ones a more 'steady burn'.

Transmission of thermal energy

Radiation - emission of electromagnetic waves (sun to planets)

Conduction - vibrational energy passed from atom to atom (transmission through rigid solid)

Convection - transfer of matter in which warm material rises and cooler denser material sinks downward (more efficient than conduction)

Thermal History

Planetary heat is ultimately radiated away from its surface. Since differentiation relies on heat, the degree to which a planet can ultimately differentiate also depends on the rate at which the planet looses its heat.

The rate of cooling depends of the Surface to Mass Ratio


Surface area
























Small planets with a large Surface area to Mass Ratio can radiate their heat away much more efficiently than a large planet with a small Surface area to Mass Ratio (mice cool down much faster than elephants).

Small planets run out of heat quickly and have a short active period.

Thermal evolution of a Terrestrial Planet

Shortly after or during the formation the outer layer of a planet may be completely molten due to accretionary heating.

As this Magma Ocean cools a shell of lighter silicate minerals forms on the surface (light scum rising to the surface). Iron accumulates, forming large (100km diameter) blobs, which sink to form the core.

Silicate rich magmas rise to the surface and volatiles are released to form atmospheres or hydrospheres.

The outer, colder shell of the planet, the Lithosphere will be mechanically more rigid.

Below the lithosphere is a layer that is much hotter and therefore mechanically softer, which is called the Asthenosphere.

The bulk of the metal's of the original planets will end up in the core.

Long-lived isotopes serve as the planetary heat source at this stage. (On Earth convection currents in the mantle bring hot material to the surface to cool down. This drives our system of plate tectonics).

As the planet looses more heat, the rigid outer shell becomes thicker until surface activity ceases. The ultimate fate of a terrestrial planet is to become a solid lump of rock.