The Welland Canal And The Metal Beasts That Travel It

The Welland Canal:

This is map of the surrounding area of the Canal

This is a detailed map of the Welland Canal

The Bluenose II On The Welland Canal


The Welland Dry docks


Other Ships on the Welland Canal


The Welland Canal was built to circumvent, Niagara Falls and toconnect Lake Ontario to Lake Erie. It provides a man made deep waterwaysystem for lakers and ocean vessels to navigate into the heart of the continent.The first Welland Canal opened in 1829.

The present canal officially opened August 6, 1932 when the GovernorGeneral of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Earl of Bessborough turned a lever releasingthe guard fender at the upper end of the flight locks.

Each of the seven locks has an average lift of 14.2m(46.5ft.) Locksone to seven are lift docks. Lock eight is a regulating lock, the liftvarying from .3 to 1.2m (1 to 4ft) making the final adjustment to lakeErie's level. Locks 4, 5 and 6 are called the "flight locks" because nocanal reach separates them and they are twinned to allow two way traffic.

The average transit time of the 42 km (26 mile) Welland Canal iaabout 11 hours.

The difference in elevation level between Lake Ontario and LakeErie is 99.5m (326.5ft).

All locks on the St. Lawrence Seaway System are filled or emptiedby gravity. To raise a vessel, the upstream valves are opened at the bottomof the walls. When a vessel is to be raised the following procedure isused:

1. The ship sails through open gates into the lock. It then issecured to bollards near the side of the walls.

2. The gates are closed and when the valves are opened to allowthe water to flow in the ship begins to lift.

3. When the ship reaches the correct level the gates are openedand the ship can sail out.

When a vessel has to be lowered, the procedure is reversed. Ittakes approximately ten minutes and and an average of 94.5 million liters(21 million imperial gallons) to fill a lock.

A lock is 261.8 m (859 ft) long and has a width of 24.4m (80 ft).Ships, however, cannot exceed 222.5 m (730ft) long and 23 m (75.5 ft) widein order to transit the canal.

Most significant improvement to the Welland Canal was the constructionof a new channel to replace the old canal which bisected the City of Welland.The realigned canal opened to navigation, March28, 1973. This by-pass eliminatesdelays to ships navigate, road and rail traffic.

The Port Robinson bridge (NO.12) was destroyed when struck by theM\V STEELTON, Augest25 1974.

Grain, iron ore and coal constitute three of the most significantcargoes carried through the canal.

As the canal operates 24 hours a day, variable intensity lightinghas been built along the whole length.

The number of ocean going vessels through the canal was 900 in1996. The number of transits made by lakers was 2,400 in 1996. The cargotonnage transported through the canal in 1996 was 41,100,000 metric tones(45,292,200 short tons).

There are 11 railway and roadway bridges crossing the canal. Roadwayvertical lift bridges, with a clearance above the water of 36.6m (120 ft),are located at Glendale Ave. St. Chathrines; Highway No.20 Allanbburg;and Clarence Street Port colburne. Railway lift bridges are located inThorald South and Port Colburne.

The Welland Canal's minimum depth is 8.2m. (27ft).

This page was created by Mike Cramp