John Sivell
Department of Applied Language Studies
Dean, Faculty of Humanities

Office: ST 1110
Tel.: (905) 688-5550 ext. 3427
Research Grants
- (Brock Leave/Non-Leave $2,000.00) Research Grant, Sabbatical Travel, July 1992.
- ($1,519.70) Brock University Leave/Non-Leave Grant: Teacher-Development in Thailand, November 1993.
Book Publications
- From Near and Far: Short Fiction for ESL, Virgil, Ontario: Full Blast Productions, 1991; 2nd edition (enlarged), 1992, 253 pages.
- with L. Yang. Jigsaw Reading and Writing Activities, Full Blast Productions, Virgil, Ontario, 1993.
- with C. Freinet. Education Through Work, (Translation with crictical apparartus), Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, New York, 1993.
Other Publications
- "Practical Comprehension: Poetry-Writing/Reading by ESL students," Reading into the Future, 1991, pp. 146 - 154.
- Registers of Written English, Ghadessy, Language LXVII, ii, June 1991, pp. 155 -156.
- Discourse and the Translator, Hatim & Mason, Language LXVIII, i, March 1992, pp. 227-228.
- Review of M. McCloskey and L. Stack (1993) Voices in Literature. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle in TESL Contact, Fall 1993.
Public Activities and Recognition
- Editorial Board, Language Teaching Strategies.
- TESL Ontario Representative to Advisory Board, Alpha Ontario Database Project.
Paper Presentations
- "Poetry Writing for Language Learners," University of Waterloo Language Teaching Conference, October 1991.
- "Using From Near and Far," SPEAQ (Quebec TESL Association), November 1991.
- "The Self-Image of the TESL Professional: Balancing Continuity and Change," TESL Ontario, November 1991.
- "TESL Ont: Getting the Most out of Jigsaw Materials," (2 hour workshop with L. Yang).
- "Thai, TESOL: Multiple-Choice Question Techniques for EFL Reading," (90 minute workshop with C. Pongruang).
- "Thai TESOL: EFL Techniques for Larger Classes," (demonstration).