1 British thermal unit [Btu] |
= 778.26 foot-pounds (778) = 107.6
kilogram-meters =
0.2520 Calorie |
1 Btu per lb. |
= 0.556 Calorie per kg. |
1 Btu per cu. ft. |
= 8.90 Cal per cu meter |
1 Btu per sq. ft. |
= 2.712 Cal per sq meter |
1 Btu per sq. ft., °F |
= 4.88 Cal per sq m, °C |
1 Btu/hr., sq. ft, °F/ft |
= 1.488 Cal/hr., sq. m,
°C/m |
1 Btu/hr, sq. ft, °F/in |
= 0.1240 Cal/hr, sq m,
°C/m |
1 therm |
= 100,000 Btu |
1 Calorie [Cal] |
= 3,088 foot-pounds = 427
kilogram-meters = 3.968
Btu |
1 Cal per kilogram |
= 1.8 Btu per pound |
1 Cal per cu meter |
= 0.1124 Btu per cubic ft |
1 Cal per sq. meter |
= 0.3687 Btu per sq ft |
1 Cal/sq. metre, °C |
= 0.2048 Btu/sq ft, °F |
1 Cal/hr, sq m, °C/m |
= 0.672 Btu/hr, sq ft, F/ft = 8.06 Btu/hr,
sq ft, F/in |
1 electrical unit |
= 1 kilowatthour |
1 foot-pound [ft-lb] |
= 0.1383 kilogram-meter |
1 kilogram-meter [kg-m] |
= 7.23
foot-pounds | |
1 kilowatt [kw] |
= 738 foot-pounds/sec = 102
kilogram-meters/sec =
1.341 horsepower = 1.360 metric horsepower |
1 horsepower [hp] |
= 33,000 foot-pounds/min = 550
foot-pounds/sec =
76.04 kilogram-meters/sec = 0.746 kilowatt = 1.014 metric
horsepower |
1 metric horsepower |
= 32,550 foot-pounds/min = 542
foot-pounds/sec =
75 kilogram-meters/sec = 0.735 kilowatt = 0.986
horsepower |
1 kilowatthour [kwhr] |
= 3412.75 Btu (3413) = 860
Calories |
1 horsepower-hour |
= 2,545 1 Btu (2545) |
1 metric hp-hr |
= 632 Calories |
1 lb per hp-hr |
= 0.447 kg. per metric hp-hr |
1 kg/metric hp-hour |
= 2.235 lb per horsepower-hr |
1 boiler horsepower |
=10 ft² of boiler
surface = 34.5 lb per hour evaporation from and at
212°F |
100% boiler rating |
= 3,348 Btu (ie, 3.45 lb. evaporation from
& at 212°F)
per sq ft heating
surface/hour | |