Design for Testability
from the Perspective of Competitive Advantageby
Edwin B. Dean
If you can't test the product, how do you know how well it works? To insure that a product meets the customer (user, owner, and regulator) desires, it must be tested for the ability to satisfy those desires. Only then do you know the value to the customer.
In addition, testing can be lengthy and costly. In order to improve timeliness and cost, great care should be taken to design the product to be easy to test.
Giadrosich, D. L. (1995) contains chapters on test and evaluation concept, design, and planning.
Design for Testability Bibliography
Surfing the Web
Object-Oriented Testing: Myth and Reality
- Boothroyd G. and P Dewhurst (1988). "Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly," Manufacturing Engineering, April, pp. 42-46.
- Giadrosich, D. L. (1995). Operations Research Analysis in Test and Evaluation, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington DC, USA.
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