Using Design for Competitive Advantage


[NASA Logo] This complex of pages provides a focal point for research into the ability to compete in the emerging world market.

The ability to compete is a broad area of knowledge in which many topical areas are mutually linked. This complex tries to capture this linkage through the capabilities of hypertext. The more complex topics are defined in terms of the topics of which they are composed.

Instead of providing detailed descriptions of each topical area, I have tried to provide the essence of the topic as it relates to the ability to compete. Bibliographies are provided so you can obtain the material to focus on the topics of your choice. These bibliographies are your primary link to increasing your ability to compete.

I have reviewed each entry in the bibliographies for the extent that I feel it will provide valuable information. Most articles/books/reports I have reviewed did not make it into the bibliographies.


Design for Competitive Advantage | Table of Contents | What's New


Originated on 941118 | Improved on 950521
Author Ed Dean | Curator Paul Scarbrough