Seven Management (New) Tools

from the Perspective of Competitive Advantage

Edwin B. Dean


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According to Mizuno (1988), the seven new tools are the product of the Japanese Society for Quality Control Technique Development. After a worldwide search, in 1976 they proposed the following new tools for quality control:

Relations Diagram
Affinity Diagram (KJ method)
Systematic Diagram (Tree Diagram)
Matrix Diagram
Matrix Data Analysis
Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)
Arrow Diagram

They were chosen to meet the following criteria:

Nayatani, Eiga, Futami and Miyagawa (1994) note that the "Committee for Developing New QC Tools was dissolved in 1978 and reconstituted as The Seven New QC Tools Research Group for the long-term study of the new tools. ... The First Seven New QC Tools Symposium was held in 1979." Figure 3 on page 5 uses a relations diagram to examine the problem solving process with and without the seven new tools. If you want to understand the power of these tools, you must study it.

A personal observation is that a concept can only be expressed if the language is rich enough to permit the concept to be expressed. A corollary is that many concepts cannot be expressed because the language is not rich enough. I have cried internally every time someone has told me that I must express something I said in layman's terms. They have no concept that certain concepts can not be expressed within that domain of language. The seven new tools compose a rich visual language which allows the user to easily explore and decompose complexity that cannot be dealt with otherwise.





Seven Management (New) Tools Bibliography


Table of Contents | Quality Technologies | Use
