A preamble to my part of the course:
In this section of the course we will discuss the solar system, with an emphasis on planetary sciences. We’ll start with the formation of the solar system, and then take a look at the outer planets, followed by a discussion of the solar system debris (comets, asteroids, meteorites). An understanding of meteorites will help us to understand the fundamentals of planetary sciences. We are then ready to look at the terrestrial planets.
We will not be following the textbook chapter by chapter and I will be presenting some material in much greater detail than the book. For this reason I am providing you the lecture notes below. I do suggest you read the appropriate chapters, but test questions will primarily be based on the lecture notes and the lectures. Images are not included in the notes because this would make printing impractical. (You’ll be seeing about 1gigabytes worth of images and video clips). These notes are the same I will be using for the lectures. To make the best use of them, I suggest the following:
Don’t print them out of the browser page directly, instead copy the page (under Edit – Select all – Edit – Copy) and then paste it into your favourite word processor. Change the font to something suitable (10, 12) and give yourself a 3-4 inch margin on one side. That will enable you to take your notes right beside mine. You’ll be all set.
Chapters will be covered in the following pseudo-order:
5 (Survey of Solar System), 8/10 (Outer Planets, Moons), 11(Meteors, Asteroids, Comets), 6 (Terrestrial Planets), 6 (The Moon),
Important Note
for the week of March 14-18, 2005:
Lecture by Dr. R. Cheel.
the material covered by Dr. Cheel will be on the test, he will provide me with
3 questions for the test.
invigilated by Dr. Cheel.
you have a conflict, contact me (Fueten) during the week of March 1.
you are sick on the day of the test contact me (Fueten) during the week of
March 22.
Regular classes will resume the next
Download Lecture Notes here:
Chapter 5
(bits of chapter 6)
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Note: A bit of the following is also in
chapter 6 for your text
Chapter 6/7