Ed Dean's Publications

Formal Publications
- Franklin, J. L. and E. B. Dean (1974). "Some Expected
and Some Not So Expected Reactions to a Computer-Aided Design
with Interactive Graphics (CANDIG) System," SID Journal,
May-June, pp. 5-13.
- Lutzky, M., E. B. Dean, and M. C. Petree (1975). "Modeling
Second Breakdown in PN Junctions with Net-2," IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-22, No. 6, December.
- Unal, R. and E. B. Dean (1990). "Analysis of Quality
Costs: A Critical Element in CIM," in Dwivedi, S. N., A.
K. Verma and J. E. Sneckenberger, ed., CAD/CAM Robotics
and Factories of the Future (CARS and FOF'90) Proceedings,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 453-457.
- Unal, R., E. B. Dean and A. A. Moore (1990). "Space Transportation
System Operations and Support Cost Modeling Approach," Journal
of Parametrics, Vol. X, No. 4, December, pp. 35-50.
- Unal, R. and E. B. Dean (1991b). "Design for Cost and Quality: The Robust Design Approach"
Journal of Parametrics, Vol. XI, No. 1, August.
Referenceable Oral Publications
- Franklin, J. L. and E. B. Dean (1973). "Interactive Graphics
for Computer Aided Design," Proceedings of the National
Computer Conference.
- Dean, E. B., M. Lutzky, M. C. Petree, and F. Shaklan (1974).
"A Diode Model Which Predicts Second Breakdown," Proceedings
of the Eighth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers,
Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 3-5 December, pp. 361-366.
- Dean, E. B. , D. A. Wood, A. A. Moore, and E. H. Bogart (1986).
"Cost Risk Analysis Based on Perception of the Engineering Process,"
presented at the Eighth Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, Kansas City, MO, USA, 12-16
- Moore, A. A, and E. B. Dean (1987). "Estimating The Entry
Research Vehicle," Proceedings of the The Ninth Annual
International Conference of the International Society of Parametric
Analysts, San Diego, CA, USA, 5-7 May.
- Moore, A. A, and E. B. Dean (1987). "Using the MCPLXS Generator for Technology Transfer,"
Proceedings of the The Ninth Annual International Conference
of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, San
Diego, CA, USA, 5-7 May.
- Dean, E. B. (1988a). "Continuous Optimization on Constraint Manifolds,"
presented at the TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting,
Washington, DC, USA, 25-27 April.
- Dean, E. B. (1988b). " Linear Least Squares for Correlated Data,"
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, Brighton, UK, 25-27 July.
- Dean, E. B. (1988c). "Dynamic Eigenvalue/Eigenvector Tracking Using Continuous Optimization on Constraint Manifolds,"
presented at the TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting,
Denver, CO, USA, 24-26 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1989b). " Parametric Cost Estimating: A Design Function,"
presented at the Thirty Third Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Cost Engineers, San Diego, CA, USA, 25-28
- Dean, E. B. (1990a). "The Design-To-Cost-Manifold,"
presented at the International Academy of Astronautics Symposium
on Space Systems Cost Methodologies and Applications, San
Diego, CA, USA, 10-11 May.
- Unal, R. and E. B. Dean (1990). "Optimizing Quality Costs,"
1990 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering
Management, St. Louis, MO, USA, 14-16 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1991). " Modeling Personnel Turnover in the Parametric Organization,"
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, New Orleans, LA, USA, 21-24
- Unal, R. and E. B. Dean (1991a). "Taguchi Approach to Design Optimization for Quality and Cost: An Overview,"
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, New Orleans, LA, USA, 21-24
- Dean, E. B. and R. Unal (1991). "Designing for Cost,"
Transactions of the American Association of Cost Engineers,
35th Annual Meeting, June 23-26, Seattle, WA, USA, pp D.4.1-D.4.6.
- Dean, E. B. and R. Unal (1992). "Elements of Designing for Cost,"
presented at the AIAA 1992 Aerospace Design Conference,
Irvine, CA, USA, 3-6 February, AIAA-92-1057.
- Dean, E. B. (1992b). " The Many Dimensions of Program Management,"
presented at the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, Munich, Germany, 25-27
- Dean, E. B., R. Unal, and A. M. Moore (1992). Cost Estimating, Design, and Cost Reduction Techniques,
a tutorial for the International Society Parametric Analysts,
Mitre Corporation, Arlington, VA, USA, 19 Oct.
- Dean, E. B. (1992c). "Quality Function Deployment for Large Systems",
Proceedings of the 1992 International Engineering Management
Conference, Eatontown, NJ, USA, 25-28 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1993a). " Genopersistating the System,"
presented at the AIAA 1993 Aerospace Design Conference,
Irvine, CA, USA, 16-19 February, AIAA-93-1031.
- Masud, A. S. M., and E. B. Dean (1993). "Using Fuzzy
Sets in Quality Function Deployment," Proceedings of the
Second Industrial Engineering Research Conference,
Los Angeles, CA, USA, 26-27 May.
- Dean, E. B. (1993c). " Correlation, Cost Risk, and Geometry,"
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, San Francisco, CA, USA,
1-4 June.
- Dean, E. B. (1993d). "Quality Function Deployment for
Large Systems", Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium
on Quality Function Deployment, Novi, MI, USA, 21-22 June.
- Dean, E. B. (1993f). "Why Does It Cost How Much,"
presented at the AIAA 1993 Aircraft Design, Systems, and
Operations Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 11-13 August,
- Reed, B. M., D. A. Jacobs, and E. B. Dean (1994). "Quality
Function Deployment: Implementation Considerations for the Engineering
Manager," Proceedings of the IEEE International Engineering
Management Conference, 17-19 October, Dayton, OH, USA,
- Jacobs, D. A., B. M. Reed and E. B. Dean (1994). "QFD
for Large Space Systems," Proceedings of the National
Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management,
14-16 October, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 18-22.
- Dean, E. B. (1995b). "Parametric Cost Deployment,"
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Quality Function
Deployment, Novi, MI, USA, 12-13 June, pp. 27-34.
- Rais-Rohani, M. and E. B. Dean (1996). "Toward Manufacturing
and Cost Considerations in Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design,"
A work-in-progress paper, Proceedings of the 37th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC
Structures, Structrual Dynamics, and Materials Conference,
Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 15-17 April, Part 4, pp. 2602-2612. AIAA
Paper No. 96-1620-CP
- Hornstein, R. S., J K. Willoughby, E. B. Dean, and F. J. Hawkins
(1996). "Life Cycle Costing vs. Life Cycle Effectiveness:
Cost Shifting vs. Cost Savings," 47th International
Astronautical Congress, 7-11 October, Beijing, China, IAF-96-U.5.08.
- Hornstein, R. S. et. al. (1996). "Application of Insights
and Discoveries by NASA'S COST LESS Team to Achieve Small Satellite
Mission Objectives," IAA Symposium on Small Satellites
for Earth Observation, 4-7 November, Berlin, Germany, IAA-B-1101.
- Wilson, D., M. Jacobs, and the Space Operations Study Team
(1997). "A New Way of Doing Business for NASA Space Operations
Cost Model Development, " Proceedings of the 19th Annual
Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts,
New Orleans, LA, USA, 27-30 May.
Other Significant Contributions
- Dean, Edwin B. (1965). A Review of Various Mathematical
Brain Models Masters Thesis, Department of Mathematics,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
- Mikulas, M. M., et. al. (1985). Deployable/Erectable
Trade Study for Space Station Truss Structures, NASA Langley
Research Center, July, NASA Technical Memorandum 87573.
- Dean, E. B. (1985). "Finding Cost Estimating Relationships
Using Principal Components Analysis," presented at the The
Seventh Annual International Conference of the International Society
of Parametric Analysts, Orlando, FL, USA, May.
- Dean, E. B. (1989a). "Analysis of Complexity for Future
Systems," presented at the PRICE Symposium,
San Francisco, CA, USA, 7-9 February.
- Dean, E. B. (1989c). "Cost Analysis: Research Directions,"
presented at the Second Joint National Conference of the
National Estimating Society and the Institute of Cost Analysis,
Washington, DC, USA, 5-7 July.
- Dean, E. B. (1989d). "Parametric Cost Analysis: A Tutorial,"
presented at the Second Joint National Conference of the
National Estimating Society and the Institute of Cost Analysis,
Washington, DC, USA, 5-7 July.
- Dean, E. B. (1990b). "Perspectives on Weight and Cost"
presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the Society of
Allied Weight Engineers, Chandler, AZ, USA, 14-16 May.
- Dean, E. B. (1991x). "Overview of Project Management"
presented at the NASA Advanced Project Management Class,
Wallops Flight Facility, Chincoteague, VA, USA, 28 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1992a). "Design for Cost: Techniques and
Impact on the Cost Community," presented at the 1992
NASA Cost Estimating Symposium, 24-27 February.
- Dean, E. B. (1992d). "Parametric Cost Analysis or Let
the Data Do the Talking," presented at George Mason University,
Fairfax, VA, USA, 29 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1993b). "Designing for Cost," presented
at the Cost and Effectiveness Analysis II Mini-Symposium
of the Military Operations Research Society and the Society for
Cost Estimating and Analysis, Falls Church, VA, USA, 2-4
- Dean, E. B. and R. Unal (1993). "Design for Cost: A Proactive
Approach," presented at the 1993 National Conference
and Educational Workshop of the Society for Cost Estimating &
Analysis, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 21-23 June.
- Dean, E. B. (1993e). "Parametric Cost Analysis: Let the
Data Do the Talking," presented at the 1993 National
Conference and Educational Workshop of the Society for Cost Estimating
& Analysis, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 21-23 June.
- Dean, E. B. (1993g). "A Neural Network Expendable Launch
Vehicle Cost Model," presented at the 1993 NASA Cost
Estimating Symposium, Cleveland, OH, USA, 13-15 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1993h). "Genopersistating for Competitiveness,"
presented at the 1993 NASA Cost Estimating Symposium,
Cleveland, OH, USA, 13-15 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1994b). "Proposed Metrics for the High Speed
Research Program," presented at the 1994 NASA Cost
Estimating Symposium, Houston, TX, USA, 7-10 November.
- Dean, E. B. (1994c). "Inserting Economics into Multidisciplinary
Design Optimization," presented at the 1994 NASA Cost
Estimating Symposium, Houston, TX, USA, 7-10 November.
- Dean, E. B. (1995a). "Cost Deployment," presented
at the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the International
Society of Parametric Analysts, San Diego, CA, USA, 31
May - 2 June.
- Dean, E. B. (1995e). "Parametric Cost Deployment,"
presented at the Second North American QFD Master Class,
QFD Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 24-27 September.
- Dean, E. B. (1995c). "A View of Designing for Cost,"
presented at the NASA Langley Research Center Cost Day, Hampton,
VA, USA, 12 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1995d). "Mathematics for Cost in MDO: Research
Directions," presented at the 1995 SIAM Annual Meeting,
Charlotte, NC, USA, 23-26 October.
- Dean, E. B. (1996a). "Target Costing: The Japanese Way,"
presented at the 1996 NASA Cost Estimating Symposium,
Washington, DC, USA, 17-19 September.
- Dean, E. B. (1994-1997). "Design for Competitive Advantage" World Wide Web, http://dfca.larc.nasa.gov/.
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