From when he joined NASA at LaRC in 1983 until 1990, he was in charge of cost estimating at LaRC where he managed, performed, or participated in about sixty five system cost estimates including the Space Exploration Initiative Ninety Day Study (back to the Moon and on to Mars), the Earth Observing System (Eos) instruments for the Non Advocate Review (NAR), a National Aerospace Plane descope plan, the Advanced Manned Launch System, the Personnel Launch System, the Assured Crew Return Vehicle, the Advanced Solid Rocket Motor for the NAR, and the Technical Management Information Management System for the NAR.
Prior to that he spent just over a year at Headquarters, Naval Supply Systems Command, where he performed a computer security analysis of all continental U.S. Naval Supply Centers.
Prior to that he spent five years as a business counselor and owner of a General Business Services franchise and spent fifteen years in part time mutual fund and life insurance sales. He established, operated, and was Treasurer of Communique, a direct mail advertising firm in Virginia Beach VA. He assisted his wife in running the Suntide Motel in Virginia Beach during 1984-1993.
He spent fourteen years at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) as a physicist, mathematician, operations research analyst, electronic engineer, combat systems engineer, and manager where he applied these skills to antisubmarine warfare, helicopter sonar, nuclear weapons effects, sensor systems for Vietnam, computer aided systems design and analysis, combat system design, and command, control, and communications system design. He spent seven years as the head of computer aided design and analysis and almost two years as software engineer, and later chief engineer, on the Modular Fire Control System Project performing the advanced design for a bus connected, dynamically reconfigurable, distributed function fire control system for the DD963 destroyer class. Was a cooperative student and an associate engineer at the Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, where he was a technician for the Polaris Ground Station and advanced radar systems. He designed the logic and a bat radar for the APL/JHU Mobile Automaton, one of the first robots.
He earned a B.S. in Physics and an M.S. in Mathematics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1963 and 1966; has completed three years of doctoral level operations research, engineering, computer science, and mathematics at the George Washington University; has taken over sixty other courses including the NASA Advanced Project Management course and two North American QFD Master Classes taught respectively by Dr. Akao and Prof. Ohfuji; and is a Professional Degree Candidate in Engineering Management at the Old Dominion University.
He has published in simulation, nuclear weapons effects, computers, operations research, cost estimating, quality, engineering management, design for cost, and design for competitive advantage. He is a past Chairman and past Director for the International Society of Parametric Analysts. He was the NASA Langley delegate to the Space Systems Cost Analysis Group where he focused on cost risk. He is also a member of AACE, QFDI, AIAA, IEEE, ACM, AMS, SIAM, ASA, INFORMS, ASQ, INCOSE, INNS, SAVE, IMA, ASEM, and the New York Academy of Sciences. He established and chaired the Naval Ordnance Laboratory (later NSWC) Computer Users Group, was a member of the Navy Computer Science Research and Development Council, was the Navy representative to the Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Software Engineering Research Working Group, and was a member of a number of committees sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency. He is listed in Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology, Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America, and Who's Who in the World.
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Curator Al Motley