Publications and Presentations
1. X. Xu, and S. Sinha, 2023. Optimal Allocation Schemes in Mixed ANCOVA Models for Longitudinal Data. Journal of Statistical Research, 56, 101-114.
2. W. Zhu, C. Lu, and X. Xu, 2023.
Implementation of the EP Model in Physical and Health Education in China. The Journal of Hubei University of Arts and Sciences, 44(9), 73-78.
3. X. Xu, and C. Shay, 2021.
Sequential and Robust Data Selection in Active Learning for Classification. Journal of Statistical Research, 55(1), 249-266.
4. X. Xu, and S. Sinha, 2021. Robust Designs for Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Possible Misspecification. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 210, 20-41.(pdf).
5. X. Xu, and C. Shay, 2020. Optimal Training Data Selection in Active Learning for Discrimination and Classification. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), 15-19, doi: 10.1109/ICCCS49078.2020.9118568.
6. W. Liu, X. Xu, F. Chen, Y. Liu, S. Li, L. Liu, and Y. Chen, 2020. A Review of Research on the Closed Thermodynamic Cycle of OTEC. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119, 109581.
7. N. Li, J. Vrbik, and X. Xu, 2019.
Linear Regression with Misspecified Error Distribution. Advances and Applications in Statistics, 54(2), 237-253.
8. X. Xu, and W. Huang, 2019. Optimal Designs of Constrained Accelerated Life Testing Experiments for Proportional Hazards Models. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 4(1), 101-113.
9. X. Xu, and X. Chen, 2018.
A Practical Method of Robust Estimation in Case of Asymmetry. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 12(2), 370-396. DOI:10.1080/15598608.2017.1393779.
10. X. Xu, and M. Krzeminski, 2018.
Optimal Designs for Accelerated Life Tests with Multiple Stress Factors and Heteroscedasticity. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 47(6), 1273-1306. DOI:10.1080/03610926.2017.1317809.
11. H. Xue, Y. Liu, Y. Hou, X. Xu, Y. Chen, and W. Liu, 2018. Study and Development of Closed-cycle Systems of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Journal of Ocean Technology, 37(6), 109-121.

12. X. Xu, and W. Huang, 2018. Constrained Optimal Designs for Step-stress Accelerated Life Testing Experiments. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis, 633-638.

13. X. Xu, and X. Shang, 2017.
D-optimal Designs for Full and Reduced Trigonometric Regression Models. Statistical Papers, 58(3), 811–829. DOI: 10.1007/s00362-015-0727-6.
. C. Lu, M. McGinn, X. Xu, and J. Sylvestre, 2017. Living in Two Cultures: Chinese Canadians' Perspectives on Health. The Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 19(2), 423–429. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-016-0386-2.
. S.K. Sinha, and X. Xu, 2016. Sequential Designs for Repeated Measures Experiments. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 10(3), 497-514. DOI: 10.1080/15598608.2016.1184111.
16. X. Xu, and W. Huang, 2016. Optimal Robust Designs for Step-stress Accelerated Life Testing Experiments for Proportional Hazards Models. Mathematical and Computational Approaches in Advancing Modern Science and Engineering, Eds: Bélair, J., Frigaard, I.A., Kunze, H., Makarov, R., Melnik, R., Spiteri, R.J., New York: Springer, 585-594.
17. M.L. Huang, X. Xu, and D. Tashnev, 2015. A Weighted Linear Quantile Regression. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85(13), 2596-2618. DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2014.938240.
18. X. Xu, and A. Chen, 2014. Robust Prediction and Extrapolation Designs for Nonlinear Regression. Metron, 72(1), 25-44. DOI: 10.1007/s40300-013-0021-0.
19. X. Xu, and X. Shang, 2014. Optimal and Robust Designs for Trigonometric Regression Models. Metrika,
77(6), 753-769. DOI: 10.1007/s00184-013-0463-7.
20. S.E. Saffari, X. Xu, and R. Adnan, 2013. On the Hurdle Negative Binomial Regression Model with Excess Zeros for a Right Truncated Count Data. Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications, 1, 1-9.
21. X. Xu, and S. Hunt, 2013. Robust Designs of Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing Experiments for Reliability Prediction. Matematika, 29, 203-212.
22. S. Hunt, and X. Xu, 2012. Optimal Design for Accelerated Life Testing with Simple Step-Stress Plans.
International Journal of Performability Engineering, 8(5), 575-579.
23. S.K. Sinha, and X. Xu, 2011. Sequential Optimal Designs for Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 1394-1402 (.pdf).
X. Xu, and L. Zhao, 2011. Robust Designs for Haar Wavelet Approximation Models. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 27(5), 531-550 (.pdf).
25. X. Xu, and W.K. Yuen, 2011. Applications and Implementations of Continuous Robust Designs.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 40(6), 969-988.
26. X. Xu, and A. Chen, 2011. Robust Designs for Three Commonly Used Nonlinear Models. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling & Computational Science. 313-316.
27. X. Xu, and X. Shang, 2011. Optimal Designs for Fourier Regression Models. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on "Mathematical Methods in Reliability" (MMR 2011, Beijing), 889-895.
28. A.J. Adewale, and X. Xu, 2010. Robust Designs for Generalized Linear Models with Possible Overdispersion and Misspecified Link Functions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54(4), 875-890 (.pdf).
29. X. Xu, and
P. Lavallée, 2009. Treatments for Link Nonresponse in Indirect Sampling. Survey Methodology, 35(2), 153-164.
30. X. Xu, 2009. Robust Prediction and Extrapolation Designs for Censored Data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139(2), 486-502 (.pdf).
31. X. Xu, 2009. Robust Designs for Misspecified Exponential Regression Models. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 25(2), 179-193 (.pdf).
32. C. Lu, and X. Xu, 2009. The Effect of Student Teaching Experience on Selected Personality Traits in Physical Education. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 15(3), 442-458.

33. D.P. Wiens, and X. Xu, 2008. Robust Prediction and Extrapolation Designs for Misspecified Generalized Linear Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(1), 30-46 (.pdf).
34. D.P. Wiens, and X. Xu, 2008. Robust Designs for One-point Extrapolation. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(5), 1339-1357 (.pdf).
35. X. Xu, 2008. Probability, Limits in. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Second Edition, ed: Darity, W. A. Jr., Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, Vol 6, 486-489.
36. X. Xu, and W.K. Yuen, 2007. Implementation Schemes for Continuous Designs under Kolmogorov-Smirnov Criterion. Proceedings of the 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences 2007, 775-785.
37. P. Lavallée, and X. Xu, 2006. Indirect Sampling and the Problem of Identification of Links. Proceedings of the 2006 Joint Statistical Meetings (Seattle, USA), Alexandria, VA. American Statistical Association, 3292-3296.
38. M. Zuo, Z. Fang, J. Huang, and X. Xu, 2003. Performance Evaluation of Decreasing Multi-Stat Consecutive-k-out-of-n: G Systems. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 10(3), 345-358.
39. C. Lu, and X. Xu, 1996. Introduction and analysis of fitness programs in the United States.
Journal of Physical Education, 4(4), 107-109.
40. X. Xu, 1995. Several Problems of Applied Mathematics in Sport Science. Journal of Shandong Physical Education Institute, 11(3), 17-21.
41. X. Xu, 1995. Chapter contribution to Advanced Mathematics in Sport Science. Ed: Cheng, Z.: Shanxi People's Press, Xi An, China.
42. Y. Sun, and X. Xu, 1994. Introduction to Applied Computer Science. China Business Press, Beijing.
C. Lu, and X. Xu, 1992. The Constitution of Research Methods in Sport Science. Research in Sport Science, 11(1), 1-4.
44. X. Xu, and C. Lu, 1992. Improving the Mathematical Quality in Sport Science. Journal of Shandong Physical Education Institute, 8(1), 1-3.
45. C. Lu, and X. Xu, 1991. A Study of Research Methods in Sport Science. Symposium of Junior Scientists and Technicians on Sport Science, 105-106.

1. X. Xu, D.P. Wiens, and D. Burmaster, 2023. Invited talk. Model-robust active learning, minimax designs, and implementations. The 13th Scientific Workshop on Model-oriented Data analysis and Optimum Design (mODa13), Southampton, UK, July 9-15.
2. X. Xu, and S.K. Sinha, 2023. Invited talk. Optimal designs in mixed models for repeated measurements. The 12th International Conference of International Chinese Statistical Association, Hong Kong, July 7-9.
3. X. Xu, and S.K. Sinha, 2022. Invited talk. Optimal designs in mixed ANCOVA models for longitudinal data. CMStatistics 2022, London, UK, Dec. 17-19.
4. X. Xu, 2022. Invited talk. Optimal active learning for regression and classification. The 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (Virtual), Wuhan, China, April 22-25.
5. X. Xu, and Y. Fu, 2021. Invited talk. Optimal planning for ordered logit and ordered probit models. CMStatistics 2021 (Virtual), London, UK, Dec. 18-20.
6. X. Xu, and S.K. Sinha, 2021. Invited talk. Robustification for repeated measures designs. Statistics 2021 Canada, 6th Canadian Conference in Applied Statistics (Virtual), Montreal, Canada, July 15-18.
7. C. Shay (presenter), and X. Xu, 2019. Invited talk. Probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods of active learning for classification. The 3rd International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications (ICOSDA 2019), Grand Rapids, US, Oct. 10-12.
8. X. Xu, and A. Greco, 2019. Invited talk. Optimal and robust active learning. The 12th Scientific Workshops on Model-oriented Data analysis and Optimum Design (mODa12), Smolenice, Slovakia, June 23-28.
9. A. Greco (presenter), and X. Xu, 2019. Contributed talk. Active learning and optimal experimental design. The 47th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Calgary, May 26-29.
10. X. Xu, and A. Greco, 2019. Invited talk. Optimal active learning for approximately specified linear regression. International Conference on Design of Experiments, Memphis, US, May 18-21.
11. X. Xu, 2018. Invited talk. Robust sequential designs for approximate inference in generalized linear mixed models. Ninth International Workshop in Simulaion (IWS2018), Barcelona, Spain, June 25-29.
12. X. Xu, 2017. Invited talk. Robust design for a generalized linear mixed model when different types of departures may occur from its assumed form. BIRS Workshop on “Latest Advances in the Theory and Applications of Design and Analysis of Experiments”, Banff, Canada, Aug. 6-11.
13. X. Xu, 2017. Invited talk. Optimal designs for multiple-step-stress accelerated life testing experiments when some testing constraints are required. The 10th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2017), London, UK, Dec. 16-18.
14. X. Xu, 2017. Invited talk. Model-robust designs for generalized linear mixed models with misspecified linear predictors. The 45th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Winnipeg, Canada, June 11-14.
15. X. Xu, 2016. Invited talk. Optimal designs for regression when measurement error is present. The Second International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications, Niagara Falls, Canada, Oct. 14-16.
16. X. Xu, 2016. Invited talk. Robustification in a statistical process. BIRS Workshop on “Robustness Theory and Methodology: Recent Advances and Future Directions”, Banff, Canada, Sept. 2-4.
17. X. Xu, and S. Puglia, 2016. Invited talk. Optimal designs for measurement error models when the second-order least square estimator is adopted. Ordered Data and their Applications in Reliability and Survival Analysis: An International Conference in Honour of N. Balakrishnan for his 60th Birthday, Hamilton, Canada, Aug. 7-10.
18. S. Puglia, and X. Xu, 2016. Contributed talk. D-optimal designs of linear measurement error models. The 44th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. May 19 - June 1.
19. W. Huang, and X. Xu, 2015. Contributed talk. Optimal and robust designs of step-stress accelerated life testing experiments for proportional hazards models. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling & Computational Science, Waterloo, Canada. June 7-12.
20. X. Xu, and S. Sinha, 2015. Topic-contributed Talk. Optimal and robust designs for generalized linear mixed models. 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings. Seattle, USA, Aug. 8-13.
21. X. Xu, and W. Huang, 2015. Invited Talk. Planning efficient step-stress accelerated life testing experiments when a proportional hazards model is adopted. ICSA - Canada Chapter 2015 Statistics and Data Science Symposium. Calgary, Canada, Aug. 4-6.
22. S. Sinha, and X. Xu, 2014. Invited Talk. Optimal designs for generalized linear mixed models. International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics. Greensboro, North Carolina, Oct. 10-12.
23. X. Xu, and M. Krzeminski, 2014. Invited Talk. Planning accelerated life testing with two experimental factors when heteroscedasticity is present. Australian Statistical Conference in conjunction with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting. Sydney, Australia, July 7-10.
24. X. Xu, 2014. Invited Talk. Optimal and robust designs for accelerated life testing experiments. Faculty of Statistics and Mathematics, Shandong University of Finance & Economics. Jinan, China
, June 26.
25. W. Huang, and X. Xu, 2014. Contributed talk. Accelerated life testing with step-stress plans for proportional hazards models. The 2nd Annual Student Conference of Statistical Society of Canada. Toronto, Canada, May 24.
26. S. Mantini, and X. Xu, 2014. Contributed talk. Optimal designs for shrinkage estimation in linear regression. The 2nd Annual Student Conference of Statistical Society of Canada. Toronto, Canada, May 24.
X. Xu, and M. Krzeminski, 2013. Contributed talk. Optimal designs for bivariate accelerated life testing experiments. 2013 Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric Society (ENAR) Spring Meeting. Orlando, March 10-13.
X. Xu, and S. Hunt, 2012. Invited talk. Optimal designs for accelerated life testing experiments with step-stress plans. Design and Analysis of Experiments Conference. Athens, Georgia,  Oct. 18-20.
29. S. Hunt, and X. Xu, 2012. Contributed talk. Robust designs for accelerated life testing models with a step-stress plan. The 40th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada. Guelph, Canada, June 3-6.
30. X. Xu, and X. Shang, 2011. Invited talk. Optimal and robust designs for full and reduced Fourier regression models. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling & Computational Science. Waterloo, Canada. July 25-29.
31. X. Chen, and X. Xu, 2011. Contributed talk. Robust Estimation in Case of Asymmetry. The 39th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada. Wolfville, NS, Canada, June 12-15.
32. X. Xu, and A. Chen, 2011. Invited talk. Robust Designs for nonlinear regression. International Conference on Design of Experiments. Memphis, TN, USA, May 10-13.
33. W.K. Yuen, and X. Xu, 2010.
Contributed talk. Optimal Implementations for Robust Designs with Densities. The 38th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada. Quebec City, May 23-26.
X. Shang, and X. Xu, 2010. Contributed talk. Optimal Designs for Fourier Regression Models. The 38th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada. Quebec City, May 23-26.
35. X. Xu, 2009. Invited Talk. Robust Designs for Regression. Faculty of Statistics and Mathematics, Shandong University of Finance & Economics. Jinan, China
, June 26.
36. X. Xu, and
L. Zhao, 2009. Contributed talk. Robust Designs for Wavelet Approximation Models. The 37th Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada. Vancouver, May 31-June 3.
37. X. Xu, 2006. Contributed talk. Robust Designs for Censored Data. Joint Statistical Meeting 2006. Seattle, USA, Aug. 6-10.
38. X. Xu, 2005. Contributed talk. Robust Designs and Weights for Biased Regression Models with Possible Heteroscedasticity in Accelerated Life Testing. Refereed. International Conference on Statistics in Honour of Professor Kai-Tai Fang's 65th Birthday. Hong Kong, June 20-24.
39. X. Xu, 2003. Workshop lecture. Optimal Implementation of a Continuous Design Measure. Robustness Workshop. Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, October.
40. X. Xu, and D.P. Wiens, 2003. Contributed talk. Robust Designs in Accelerated Life Testing. MITACS 4th Annual Conference & Ottawa Interchange. Ottawa, Ontario, May 8-10.